WWF Fiji

Terra Moana has completed three different sustainable seafood and fisheries related projects for WWF Fiji: provenance and traceability in Fiji's fisheries, seafood sourcing, and supporting the development of a WWF Pacific Bycatch Better Practice Guide.
Provenance and Traceability

Led by Mark Soboil, Terra Moana's Associate, WWF Fiji contracted Terra Moana to write a think piece on the role of credible provenance and traceability in fisheries in Fiji. The work included conceptually building a case on how to adapt best practice in the seafood supply chain, both rural and urban, in the Fiji context. The work also included scoping the use of product labelling and associated requirements, along with the gap between current practice in Fiji and other international programmes. 

Coaching and Strategic Advice

In 2015, Katherine Short coached WWF Fiji personnel in report writing, analysis, and presenting about sustainable seafood in Fiji.


Bycatch Best Practice

Rebecca Bird used her technical expertise to support WWF Fiji to scope a Bycatch Better Practice Guide.

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